Applications are invited from dynamic, experienced and highly motivated professionals having related work experiences on permanent basis for following post of Dy.GM(IT)/Manager/ Assistant Manager/Senior Section Engineer/ Senior Supervisor for Operation and Maintenance (O&M) in LMRC. The candidate shall be initially on probation for a period of one year from the date of initial appointment & depending upon their satisfactory performance after probation period, they will be confirmed in LMRC on permanent basis. Pay scale, age limit, educational qualification, experience and job description are as per details mentioned below:-
- Dy. General Manager (IT) : 01 post (Pay Scale: Rs.29100-54500/-)
- Manager/Asstt. Manager (Operations): 02 posts (Pay Scale: Rs.24900-50500/-)
- Manager (Electrical) : 08 posts (Pay Scale: Rs.24900-50500/-)
- Manager (Signal & Telecom) : 06 posts (Pay Scale: Rs.24900-50500/-)
- Manager (Civil): 04 posts (Pay Scale: Rs.24900-50500/-)
- Senior Supervisor (Operations) : 02 posts (Pay Scale: Rs.18500-35600/-)
- Senior Section Engineer (Electrical) : 10 posts (Pay Scale: Rs.18500-35600/-)
- Senior Section Engineer (S&T) : 06 posts (Pay Scale: Rs.18500-35600/-)
- Senior Section Engineer (Civil) : 04 posts (Pay Scale: Rs.18500-35600/-)
Eligible and willing candidates who fulfill mentioned eligibility criteria may apply along with their particulars in the prescribed application format to Company Secretary, LMRC by 5.00 P.M on 15.02.2016 positively by hand/Courier/Speed post.
Mode of Selection: Short listed candidates will be called for interview at Lucknow. The date of interview will be informed to the shortlisted candidates by post /fax/email. Persons employed with Government/PSU shall apply through proper channel and shall produce ‘No objection certificate’ from their employers at the time of interview. The Lucknow Metro Corporation reserves the right of the short listed candidates for interview. No correspondence in this connection shall be entertained.
For details about educational/technical qualification, age, eligibility etc. please visit LMRC’s Official Recruitment Notice
Click here to buy “Examination Success Kit” online for the aforesaid posts.