Hyperloop Special: Metro Rail News February 2019 issue publish

Our February issue has focused on Hyperloop technology and cover story of Mumbai & Navi Mumbai Metro along with monthly specials such as exclusive interview, the new development in Metro Project, technology update, pre-event coverage, opinion, industry leaders, industry watch, live tender, upcoming event, and current jobs opening.

Metro Rail News February 2019: Hyperloop Special
Metro Rail News February 2019: Hyperloop Special

Dear Readers

Our February issue has focused on Hyperloop technology and cover story of Mumbai & Navi Mumbai Metro along with monthly specials such as exclusive interview, new development in Metro Project, technology update, pre-event coverage, opinion, industry leaders, industry watch, live tender, upcoming event, and current jobs opening.

The highlight of Metro Rail News January 2019

S. No.IndexPage no
1Editor Note6
2Round Up10
3Editor Choice13
4Cover Story: Hyperloop Technology18
6Interview with Mrs. Ashwini Bhide, IAS, MD at MMRC22
7Interview with Mr. S.K. Chaudhary, Chairman and 

MD, Ircon International Limited
8New Development: Aqua Line Metro open for public26
9Project of the Month: Mumbai Metro28
Featured Project: Navi Mumbai Metro
11Opinion: A – Failure of Mumbai Monorail holds lessons for Urban planner
Planners. B– Urban Mobility Challenges in India
11Technology Update: Evaluation of Heat Stress40
12Pre Event Coverage: Rail Live 201945
13Metro & Railway Job Openings47
14Article: Propulsion systems48
15Metro Rail Project Status51
17Upcoming Event53
18Live Tender54


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