Nagpur Metro|Recruitment of AGM, JGM, DGM and Asstt. Managers in Engineering descipline


The Nagpur Metro Rail Corporation (A joint venture of Govt. of India & Govt. of Maharashtra) inviting applications from experienced persons of Indian nationality from Metro Rail Corporations, Indian Railways (IR) and other Railway PSUs/other metro rail companies and metro consulting companies having relevant experience, for the under-mentioned posts on Deputation basis initially for a period of three years or on Absorption(regular) basis:-

  1. Addl. General Manager (Electrical-Rolling Stock) – 01 post (Pay Scale : 43200-66000/-)
  2. Addl. General Manager (Electrical-OHE & General) – 01 post (Pay Scale : 43200-66000/-)
  3. Joint General Manager (Electrical-Rolling Stock) – 02 posts (Pay Scale : 36600-62000/-)
  4. Joint General Manager (Electrical-OHE & General) – 02 posts (Pay Scale : 36600-62000/-)
  5. Dy. General Manager (Electrical) – 02 posts (Pay Scale : 29100- 54500/-)
  6. Addl. General Manager (Signal & Telecom) – 01 post (Pay Scale : 43200-66000/-)
  7. Joint General Manager (Signal & Telecom) – 02 posts (Pay Scale : 36600-62000/-)
  8. Dy. General Manager (Signal & Telecom) – 02 posts (Pay Scale : 29100- 54500/-)
  9. Dy. General Manager (Environment) – 01 post (Pay Scale : 29100- 54500/-)
  10. Assistant Manager (Electrical-Energy) – 01 post (Pay Scale : 20600-46500/-)


The selection methodology will comprise two stage processes –Personal Interview followed by Medical examination. The selection process would judge different facets of knowledge, skills, experience, expertise, aptitude and physical fitness. The candidates will be shortlisted for interview, based on their eligibility/ experience in the relevant field, in the ratio of 1:5. If sufficient candidates are not available for a particular post, then candidates with lesser service length/lesser experience/lesser qualification may be considered for short-listing, in the relevant Post/ Grade, as prevailing in NMRCL.


The selected candidate will have to undergo medical fitness examination in NMRCL nominated hospital as per the prescribed medical category. The details of medical standard can be seen on N M R C L W e b s i t e (Link—Career) No reimbursement on account of travel shall be made to the candidates appearing for the interview.


Eligible and interested candidates may apply as per the application format along with all relevant documents by or before 09/10/2015.


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