Minister of Railways and Commerce &Industry, Shri Piyush Goyal launched CORAS (Commando for Railway Security) of Indian Railways and new establishment manual for Railway Protection Force today. Chairman, Railway Board, Shri Vinod Kumar Yadav, other Railway Board Members, DG, RPF, Shri Arun Kumar, General Manager, Northern Railway, Shri T.P. Singh, along with senior Railway officials were present on the occasion
Minister of Railways and Commerce &Industry, Shri Piyush Goyal launched CORAS (Commando for Railway Security) of Indian Railways and new establishment manual for Railway Protection Force today. Chairman, Railway Board, Shri Vinod Kumar Yadav, other Railway Board Members, DG, RPF, Shri Arun Kumar, General Manager, Northern Railway, Shri T.P. Singh, along with senior Railway officials were present on the occasion